Enneagram Research: Dr. Nesbit on Therapeutic Practices & Type 1 Insights | Episode 3

Featured Guest: Dr. Laurel Nesbit, PhD: A Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Qualified Supervisor, Enneagram Teacher, and Adjunct Professor. Dr. Nesbit brings a unique perspective to the use of the Enneagram in both therapy and academic research.

In This Episode:

  • Type 1 Breakthroughs: Dr. Nesbit shares her latest insights into Enneagram Type 1, discussing groundbreaking methods and outcomes in therapy.

  • The Future of Enneagram Therapy: Delve into how the Enneagram's potential is expanding in therapeutic practices, and what the future might hold. Enneagram Research:

  • Learn about Dr. Nesbit's contributions to academic studies on the Enneagram, emphasizing how this tool can evolve and impact more profound healing and understanding.


Connecting Deeply: Enneagram Therapy with Laura Torres | Episode 2